Advance Care Planning

Making decisions about medical care is not always easy, especially now that machines can keep patients alive even when there is no hope for recovery. It’s your right to participate in, and plan for, your care. But at some point, you may become unable to make your own health care decisions. That’s why it’s important to think and talk about your feelings and beliefs with your loved ones, long before critical decisions must be made.


Start to make your plan with a simple conversation to Name a Health Care Agent and complete a New Hampshire Advance Directive Form found on pages 13-15 of the NH Advance Care Planning Guide found here.

By following the steps outlined above, you are encouraged to have important conversations from simple-to-serious illness to make care choices and write down your care choices using the free Honoring Choices Tool Kits.

Share your plan with your health care professionals to get good care today and over your lifetime.

NH Health Care Pyramid – Additional Resources

Download the NH Health Care Planning Pyramid

The Foundation for Healthy Communities has served as the leading resource for advance care and end of life care planning, including POLST, for patients and their families, medical providers, hospitals, and health systems throughout the state since 1998.  


The following guide includes the legal forms that you need to create your Advance Directive along with things to think about and common questions.

Advance Care Planning Guide