Experience Based Co-Design
Co-Design Process Steps:
Step 1: Preparing the Leadership Team: This is an initial meeting during which leadership commits to supporting patient recruitment, and attending the co-design meeting to provide guidance, direction and support for the identified areas of improvement.
Step 2: Service Line Observation: The observation/shadowing will be done by the Facilitator for the purpose of providing background information to inform the EBCD cycle. For this project the observation would be done by interviewing staff as observing patient care would not be feasible.
Step 3: Recruiting Staff: Identify staff representatives from all areas of the department.
Step 4: Recruiting Patients: Identify patients who have been patients or family members in the department.
Step 5: Staff Engagement Group: Using Human Centered Design strategies staff will be guided through a facilitated discussion to identify opportunities for improvement.
Step 6: Patient and Family Engagement Group: Using Human Centered Design strategies patients will be guided through a facilitated discussion to identify opportunities for improvement.
Step 7: Co-Design Meeting: This meeting will bring members from the staff, patients and families together to identify and prioritize the items from the other two meetings and generate solutions. Depending on the complexity of proposed solutions, we expect at least 4 strategies to arise from each hospital.
Step 8: Co-design Work Groups: Co-design work groups consist of staff, patient and family from the focus groups and other staff as needed. The work group identifies and implements solutions identified in the Co-Design Meeting. The Learning Collaborative will play this role as well as each of the hospital teams.
Step 9: Reporting, evaluating and celebrating success: Create a report including findings from the two focus groups and the identified areas of improvement as well as the solutions generated in the co-design meeting. A celebration event can be planned to include all participants as well as other staff, patient and families.
Using Human Centered Design strategies within each of the three meetings provides the opportunity to map the current process, identify areas for improvement, prioritize those areas and generate solutions that meet staff, clinician, patient and family needs. These solutions will be brought to the Learning Collaborative to develop an implementation of PDSA Cycles.