Walk New Hampshire or Walk NH is a program designed to promote walking in New Hampshire. The goal is to engage children and adults in walking and raise awareness of walking as a part of a healthy lifestyle. Each person who participates will receive a log to record their walking. Each person who reaches their chosen goal will receive an ‘I Walked NH’ patch and a certificate signed by the Governor.
The program is for children and adults. Individuals can complete the program with the help of families, friends, and neighbors. Families, neighborhoods, youth programs, after-school programs, schools and businesses are encouraged to organize Walk NH events or teams. Families can be a team too! Each individual walker will receive a log to keep track of his or her miles. There are additional resources available for adult coordinators who are working with a child or team. General program information, ideas for walking throughout the year, locations of walking trails across the state, and other resources are available using the links to the left.
Individuals can choose to walk either 70 miles (the width of NH) or 190 miles (the length of NH). There is also a team option. A children’s team may consists of 2 to 6 people. Together the team must walk 190 miles and there is a 30 mile minimum requirement for each team member. A family team may include adults (parent, guardian, grandparent, etc.) Each child who is a member of a Walk NH team will receive their own Walk NH patch and certificate.
If you choose to be part of a Walk NH team, that team can include friends, neighbors, work colleagues, classmates or other peers. While you might do some of your walking as a team, you can also count any miles you each walk as individuals. The sum of your individual miles must meet the team goal of 190. Each person must walk at least 30 miles.
Print a new Walk NH log to continue counting your miles.
Youth programs, recreation programs, businesses, schools or individuals and families can contact the Foundation for Healthy Communities to request materials. If you are interested in Walk NH encourage your school, youth group or employer to join the program. Get together with friends and family and start walking! Use the links to the left to request materials or print out a log.
You can start anytime! Give yourself a Walk NH goal 70 or 190 miles.
Walking can be done around your neighborhood, in a park or a walking trail. You can walk outside or set up inside routes – some schools and malls have walking routes. Incorporate any walking you already do, such as walking to school or work. Try running sprints or going snowshoeing. The links to the left have resources on walking trails near you and walking safety www.WalkNH.org has resources on walking trails near you and walking safety tip resources for all seasons.
This is a walking program. Walking inside or outside, hiking and walking with snowshoes are all great ways to rack up the miles! While any and all physical activity is fun and important in developing a healthy lifestyle, only walking will contribute to your Walk NH miles.
When you have completed your miles, send in the self-addressed postcard attached to the log. Teams should put all team member postcards in an envelope and send it to the Foundation for Healthy Communities. Each individual who participates and reaches their chosen goal (70 or 190 miles, individual or as part of a team) will receive an ‘I Walked NH’ patch and a certificate signed by the Governor.