Through its Substance Use Disorder Treatment initiative, the Foundation works with hospitals and other partners to improve the recognition, treatment, and post discharge care pathway for persons with substance use disorder. The projects focus on widespread screening, trauma informed care, access to recovery supports, health equity for underserved populations, the integration of medical and behavioral health services, while striving to reduce stigma and discrimination to create the greatest probability for treatment success, a reduction in overdose deaths, and a healthier New Hampshire.
Recently, as a result of the SUD Grant extension, the projects will shift to focus on organization-wide culture change, using patient and family engagement as a key strategy for driving quality improvement through the entire hospital through guidance and resources provided by the Foundation The expanded scope of the work now includes all substance use disorders, enhances the ability of participating hospitals in applying principles of trauma informed care, integrates medical and behavioral health treatment, and emphasizes access to ongoing recovery support. In addition, the work seeks to improve health equity with a focus on treatment for patients who identify as LGBTQ+ and BIPoC.